Easiest Baby Cookies Ever
And they are healthy!
Sweet Potato Finger Cookies
Organic Sweet Potatoes
Melted Coconut Oil (optional)
Wash and peel the sweet potatoes. Remove ends. Slice the potato in ~1/4 inch slices, taking care to keep them lined up as if the potato was still whole. If you have a thick potato, you may need to slice it in half down the length of the potato first.
You can lightly baste the tops of the potatoes with melted coconut oil to prevent brown, crispy edges. Sweet Pea likes to sink her teeth into the crispy bits, so I skip the coconut oil.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour. The slices should be soft when you remove them from the oven.
The first couple slices on each end may have hardened and not be appropriate for baby. That's ok, they can be the momma tax.
You can make just one potato, but I like to make at least 5 at a time. Might as well fill up the cookie sheet! And, Sean loves these for breakfast too. Just sprinkle them with a little cinnamon before serving. If there is any left after breakfast, I'll divide them into 4oz canning jars and pop them in the freezer.
When I cook for Sweet Pea, I like to make plenty of extra to put in the freezer. Each morning I remove a variety of jars for Sweet Pea's meals. I can either let them defrost in the refrigerator over night or defrost them in the oven. I prefer the oven method. I remove the lids and put the jars on a cookie sheet in a warm oven for about 10 minutes while she drinks her first bottle. By the time she finishes her bottle, her breakfast has defrosted. Today she's having ground beef, garlic zucchini, and purple sweet potato cookies. Can you guess which one she went for first?
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